Hello, I’m Clement Dai

Head of Strategic Planning, Family Business & Founder-Led Innovation

Clement Dai is Head of Strategic Planning, Family Business & Founder-led Innovation at IDEO Shanghai. Prior to IDEO, he spent years in venture building focusing on tech, sustainability and healthcare. Clement was a founding team member of IBM multi-year strategic initiative, Green Horizons, utilizing big data and cloud technology to solve daunting environmental challenges in developing countries including China. Furthermore, as a part of a leading family office in the U.S., he worked with renowned family offices, scientists and entrepreneurs to incubate early-stage healthcare ventures, responsible for capital market, board governance, corporate finance, and overall commercialization strategy of these technologies.

Clement holds MBA from Harvard Business School, was Co-President of Greater China Club at Harvard Business School. He was a Phi Beta Kappa and earned Economics degree from St. John's University, Minnesota.

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