Hello, I’m Jamyan Dudka

Senior Design Lead

Jamyan works at the intersection of brand, product and business design. With close to 15 years of experience in branding, strategy and operations, working with startups and MNCs, Jam brings viability lens to design, ensuring that the solutions are deeply rooted in human insights, help meaningfully differentiate the brand and drive strategic growth for the business. 

Prior to IDEO, Jam worked as a Director and Tech Practice Growth Lead at Edelman China, global marketing communication firm, helping to launch and run brand & marketing campaigns for some of the leading global technology companies in China. Some of the brands that Jam has worked over the years include Airbnb, Amadeus, Duolingo, Google, HP, Tableau, Unity and others. Jam began his career joining as an early employee at the US clean-tech start up LP Amina, helping to build its brand, raise venture funds and run operations. 

Jam was born in Russia, lived in China for 20 years and currently resides in Shanghai. He is proficient in Chinese, English and Russian.

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